Day One

Wednesday 26th March 2025

8:00 am Check In, Coffee & Light Breakfast

8:55 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Maximising Asset Utilisation to Increase Lifespan & Decrease Downtime

9:00 am Optimising Asset Management Through Advanced Analytics to Establish KPIs & Strategies


  • Demonstrate how advanced analytics can assess asset performance to identify trends
  • Define KPIs that measure asset utility and downtime to enable operational efficiency through analytics
  • Incorporate feedback loops and regular audits to refine processes and maximise asset sharing

9:30 am Mastering Asset Lifecycle Management with Data-Driven Decision Support


  • Visualise instrument and lab space information to inform investment decisions
  • Forecast usage patterns and asset inventory for improved planning
  • Define, track, and achieve financial and non-financial targets for optimal performance

10:00 am From Insights to Outcomes: Real-World Optimisation of Lab Operations Using CrossLab Connect Digital Services

  • Rouan Tulloch Digital Services Specialist, Agilent Technologies


  • Learn how combining utilisation and service analytics with expert guidance provides valuable insights for more informed decisions
  • Case studies showing how Lab and Purchasing Managers are reducing costs, enhancing productivity, and contributing to meeting sustainability targets
  • Understand the process and benefits of connecting your laboratory with CrossLab Connect

10:30 am Morning Refreshments & Speed Networking

11:30 am Implementing Effective Lab Asset Inventory Management Practices for Advanced Tracking Solutions


  • Highlight the importance of understanding lab asset inventories and what ‘good’ looks like
  • Introduce tools for tracking and managing assets effectively such as RFID and barcoding systems
  • Analyse asset utilisation to define how this can influence your company’s OPEX and CAPEX

Streamlining Workflows & Processes to Optimise Operational Efficiency

12:00 pm Transitioning to Digital Workflows to Streamline Data Management & Lab Operations

  • Andrew Palfreeman Associate Director, R&D Lab Core & Operations, Quell Therapeutics


  • Evaluate how transitioning to digital processes impacts timelines and accelerates product development
  • Understand how digital tools can centralise data storage and management to enhance accessibility
  • Determine the role of digitisation in ensuring quality for R&D data and operational outcomes

12:30 pm Session Reserved for Bioemtec

12:40 pm Lunch & Networking

1:40 pm Streamlining Clinical Diagnostics: Balancing Sample Volume Management, Asset Utility & Automation for Enhanced Lab Efficiency

  • John Curran Chief Operating Officer & Director - Laboratory, Pear Bio


  • Build strategies to handle increased sample loads without compromising quality and turnaround times
  • Identify robust tracking solutions for sample integrity, accountability, regulatory compliance, and real-time status updates throughout diagnostic processes
  • Explore automation technologies that enhance workflow efficiency and reduce human error

2:10 pm Roundtable: Overcoming Long-Standing Barriers in Biopharmaceuticals to Optimise Operational Efficiency


In this engaging 45-minute roundtable session, we will explore the strategies for streamlining workflows and processes to

enhance operational efficiency. The discussion will focus on eliminating bottlenecks, leveraging advanced technologies, and

developing cross-departmental collaboration to boost overall performance and drive informed decision-making.

  • Identify bottlenecks and process inefficiencies in lab operations to eliminate workflow hurdles
  • Consider the role of process automation in simplifying tasks, improving decision-making, and speeding up operations
  • Delve into the importance of breaking down silos to foster collaboration across departments and ensure smoother task operation

2:55 pm Afternoon Refreshments & Networking

Enhancing Space Utilisation to Boost Productivity & Foster Innovation

3:55 pm Advancing Predictive Analytics for Space Planning to Generate an Ideal Lab User Experience

  • Jack Hawes Director, Scientific Services, AstraZeneca


  • Examine methods for integrating user feedback into the data analytics process to allow transparency on user experience
  • Conduct thorough audits to assess current space usage and identify underutilised areas for reconfiguration to improve efficiency
  • Adopt change management systems to renovate workplaces based on data insights and analyses

4:25 pm Mapping Out an Approach to Designing Flexible Lab Spaces for Innovation


  • Understand the principles of designing flexible lab spaces that enable improved productivity for users to limit changes to infrastructure
  • Implement best practices for maximising space to enhance workflow efficiency
  • Enable lab users buy-in to create spaces that can accommodate to their needs for R&D innovation

4:55 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

5:00 pm End of Conference Day One